

tldr fentas

fentas is represented by me, Jan Guth. I am interested in many things, and I love to learn.

current [l]ocation

curl wttr.in/Slovenia

[s]poken languages

I fluently speak German and English. Also, I am in the process of learning Slovene.

computer science

I started programming when I was 11 years old, around seconds ago, and worked in this field ever since. In between, I was an apprentice as an IT specialist for application development at Bosch GmbH.

Currently, I work primarily as a Software Architect, DevOps Engineer and Full-Stack Developer.

➜ software [a]rchitect

I designed and implemented software solutions for a wide range of problems. For example, the ability to build container manifest remotely and deploy the workload, described by a docker-compose yaml file, to a Kubernetes cluster, simply via command line interface. This included a CLI tool written in GoLang, a custom self-hosted Git repository and a Kubernetes operator.

➜ [d]evops engineer

As a DevOps Engineer I designed and implemented CI/CD pipelines for Jenkins, GitLab, GitHub and complete custom solutions. Additionally, I worked on the infrastructure side of things, including the setup of Kubernetes clusters and the migration of existing workloads to it. These Kubernetes clusters were hosted on-premise, in the cloud (AWS EKS, Azure AKS) and on bare-metal (via terraform - kubespray, and k3s) as a mix of root server and dynamically provisioned virtual machines. Following GitOps and Infrastructure as Code principles, I was able to automate the deployment of the infrastructure and the workloads. Utilizing Bash and Python for this is a given, but I also worked with GoLang and TypeScript to create custom tools.

➜ [f]ull-stack developer

As a Full-Stack Developer, I worked on a wide range of projects, from small websites to large enterprise applications. I worked with a lot of different technologies, including NodeJS, React, TypeScript, PHP, AngularJS, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and MySQL, to name a few. Resulting in a quick adaptation to new technologies and a broad knowledge of the current state of the art.

mail -s "Get in touch" jan.guth@gmail.com >/dev/null

I love to work on interesting problems. If you want to get in touch, feel free to use any of these methods to contact me:

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I'm currently available for contracting work through the two companies I founded, Lanišče d.o.o. and Thingylabs GmbH.

These are some of the clients that I have worked with before: